June 30, 2010 "Hurricane Alex, with winds of up to 100km an hour, is hampering efforts to clean-up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The state department has welcomed help from 12 countries offering to assist with the clean-up. And there has been a rare offer of support from an indigenous community from Ecuador for another indigenous tribe in Louisiana that has been affected by the spill.
Al Jazeera's Scott Heidler joined the Ecuadorians in Louisiana's Bay Baptiste. [June 30, 2010]"  --------------------------   April 19, 2015 "Five years after the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, killing 11 employees and dumping as much as 200 million gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico, the region and its inhabitants are still scarred. More than 8,000 birds, sea turtles, and marine mammals were found injured or dead in the six months after the worst oil spill in U.S. history.  The massive cleanup efforts helped, but scientists are still struggling to understand the spill's long-term impact on one of the most productive ecosystems in the country. Some communities, like the Pointe-au-Chien tribe in southern Louisiana, don't have to wait for research to tell them what they already know: Their way of life is quickly disappearing."  See Al Jazeera's report april 19, 2015 "After BP oil spill, Louisiana tribe's way of life quickly disappearing"  --------------------------------------  See another video july 2010 here: "Indigenous Delegation from Ecuador to the Gulf Coast"  and a report made by the UDAPT: "Lo que Pueden Compartir las Comunidades Amazónicas Afectadas por el Desastre Petrolero de Chevron con las Comunidades del Golfo"
Luisiana 2010 la-mancha-perpetua-de-petroleo.pdf  "Cautionary Tales and Lessons from the Amazon"
The-lasting-stain-of-oil-report.pdf     Lesson 3 of the report stated:
"No Confiar en que los Contaminadores Realizaran una Limpieza Apropiada del Desastre. Esperando evitar una responsabilidad mayor, Chevron realizo una fraudulenta remediación, la cual consistió en cubrir una mÃnima cantidad de sus deshechos tóxicos, mientras dejo una masiva cantidad de toxinas en el ambiente."  |